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Custom PHP Code

Accessible in theme files under: “Appearance > Theme File Editor” Smart Inbound will occasionally add custom PHP (a coding language) to your website in a file called functions.php. PHP is related to the functionality of your website. Each piece of code will be...

Custom CSS Code

Accessible in theme files under: “Appearance > Customize” Smart Inbound will occasionally add custom CSS (a coding language) to your website using the standard WordPress CSS editor. CSS is related to the look of your website. Each piece of code will be properly...

Uploading and Compressing Images

Each time someone visits a web page, the browser must load all of the images. Images that are too large in size (greater than 750kb) can slow down your website. You also have a limited amount of space in your hosting storage plan.  The solution to this problem is...

Adding A Post

Your website may be using the standard blog post layout created by WordPress, or a separate blog article template developed by Smart Inbound. In order to add a new blog article:  Use the WordPress menu to navigate to “Posts > Add New”.  Add the title of...

Editing A Page

Smart Inbound gives you full administrative and design access to your website. Your team may want to make design changes. Please note that each page on your website was carefully designed with the same fonts, spacing, and colors. As your team makes edits over time,...