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Adding A Post

Your website may be using the standard blog post layout created by WordPress, or a separate blog article template developed by Smart Inbound. In order to add a new blog article: 

  1. Use the WordPress menu to navigate to “Posts > Add New”. 
  2. Add the title of your post. 
  3. Copy and paste your pre-written post into the body, or use the WordPress block editor. You can also use the Divi Builder and the “No Sidebar” page layout for a custom designed page. 
  4. Select a post category. 
  5. Set a featured image. Use a 4:3 or 16:9 ratio, and at least 1200 pixels wide.
  6. Write an excerpt that will be shown as a blog preview and by search engines. 
  7. Modify any SEO settings if necessary. 

Publish, or schedule to be published, when ready.